Our Commitment and Services
Rubbish Direct provides specialised rubbish collection services with a focus on reducing food waste. Our approach focuses on education and empowerment, not just disposal. We provide guidance and resources to help reduce your food waste.
Foodwaste & Composting
How we turn leftovers into Energy and Fresh Eggs!
All food waste and compostables are currently sent to Ecogas. This is an anaerobic digestive system utilising organic matter to capture biogas to generate sustainable biogas. We are also exploring other alternatives to managing food waste, which can make up to 40% of a rubbish bin! We have been exploring black soldier flies, home composting, chickens, worm farming and recently banana swales. The chicken home composting combo is our fav so far – because we get tasty eggs daily!
Enjoy your meal to the fullest, and leave the leftovers to us!
Here’s what we happily handle for you:
Vegetables & fruits.
Meat & seafood (including bones and shells).
Coffee cups.
Biodegradable packaging.
Paper towels & napkins.
PLA grade bottles and food containers.

Low Volume Food Waste Bags
Low Volume
If your rubbish is 60 litres or less per day, this could be an option for you.
How it works?
– 60-litre orange food waste bags are purchased from Rubbish Direct.
– Full food waste bags are tied up and placed in our 240-litre recycling bins.
– Full recycling bins are exchanged for clean, deodorised ones.
High Volume Food Waste Bin
High Volume
If you have a huge amount of waste, go for this option.
How it works?
– 240 litre wheelie bin.
– We use biodegradable liners for the bins.
Do you know?
Food waste contributes to 9% of New Zealand’s biogenic methane emissions and 4% of our total greenhouse gas emissions.
In our communities, one in every five children lives in moderate to severe food insecurity. By redirecting quality, surplus food, we can strengthen food security and community resilience. Additionally, efficient resource use and better planning can lead to significant cost savings for businesses and households.
Get involved!
Join us in making a difference. Whether you’re a business or a household, there are many ways you can reduce food waste. Contact us to learn more about our services, or explore how you can contribute to a sustainable future.
Sustainability Audit FAQs
Get in touch to learn more about our sustainability audit
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)
The Ministry for Primary Industries administers the Food Act 2014. MPI has developed advice on:
Reducing food waste at home
Reducing food waste tips for businesses
These pages provide useful information on:
Requirements under the Food Act 2014 for donating food
Information on ‘use by’ and ‘best before’ dates
Requirements for using food waste as animal feed
Legality and safety of ‘doggy bags’.