Case Studies - Sudima Hotel
Rubbish Direct provides us with recycling, rubbish and food waste bins, which are collected from the premises 5 days a week on time. Not only did the service make it convenient for us to recycle, but it also diverted recycling from landfill.
Rakesh Chandra
Sudima Auckland Hotel is a 4.5-star hotel with 153 rooms located 2 kilometres away from the airport. It was the country’s first Toitū carbon reduce certified hotel and is an example of sustainable architecture and systems, along with world-call features, facilities and services.
How did we help Sudima Hotel sort their rubbish?
1. Frequent Rubbish Collection and Reliability
The bins are collected 5 days a week without interruption, ensuring no disruption to everyday operations.
2. Providing Tailored Solution
Offering mixed recycling has made recycling easier on a larger scale while reducing landfill waste. Our ISO-accredited hand-sorting facilities enabled us to offer tailored recycling services.
3. Effective and smooth communication
If there is any delay to the service, the drivers and customer service team are quick to notify and confirm when the collection will happen.
I would really recommend Rubbish Direct to other companies and businesses because over the last 7 years we have never had an issue.”
Rakesh Chandra

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